Lol, he's so related to me. =P
"Love—the true kind of love, the kind of love that overflows inside of us because of who God is and who we are and who He has born us anew to be—ought to pervade every piece of our life."
Ok sorry kids that was a long tangent--please don't be offended. I really just get kind of...ok really worked up about this sort of thing....=P
Sort of.
This is what I'm passionate about. This is my purpose in life. And yes, I know I can come across really strong sometimes but I can't help it most of the time. I just kind of get started...and...well..go. =P
Whoops...guess it was over 25 things huh?
Anyways love you all have a wonderful day--it's beautiful outside.
Haha--I was hyper.
As we approach January 20, please read the Bible’s many commands to Christians regarding our attitude toward the civil government. Remember that these commands were written when everyone knew that Jesus was executed by the government and every government was set against the belief that Jesus, not Caesar, was Lord.
Nero was no friend of Christians in the first century. Neither was Domitian. Today, the commands of scripture apply to Christians in China, in Iraq, and in India. They apply to all Christians living under hostile governments.
Jesus lived under a cruel Roman governor, yet he submitted and obeyed that governor, even to the point of death.
Let us speak the truth in love. Let us love those we may not agree with. Let us leave the right example for children and young people. And let’s not engage in blatant sin, and then excuse it, in the name of politics.
I want to be like those staff members--I want to be like that college student. I want to have a relentless desire to become like Jesus. So much that I'm actually willing to do anything to attain it. Even if it means for me going to school right now. blech.Francis Chan, pastor of Cornerstone Church in California's Simi Valley, says churches are often theologically accurate when they teach about giving. But they haven't reoriented themselves.Chan asks, "Do our actions show that we really believe that our money belongs to God?" Cornerstone gives away 55 percent of what it brings in. And staff members have tried to model financial generosity in a number of ways. Some raided their retirement accounts and gave the money to organizations serving the poor and needy. Some started businesses and donated the profits (and then their free time) back to the church.The example spread to church members. A college student moved into his car, showered and shaved at friends' homes, and gave what had been his rent money to a Christian aid organization. A single professional moved in with his parents so he could give away a large percentage of his paycheck.Cornerstone faced a difficult choice when its leadership looked into purchasing a new building. After five years of stagnant attendance, the church realized that its building limited growth. So Chan and the rest of the pastoral staff brought in consultants and architects who laid out a sweeping new campus for the church: an extended complex of buildings, brick streets, fountains, and gardens."I really felt it was repulsive," Chan says. "It showed us spending money for our own comfort."Chan showed the designs to the congregation. When the gasps subsided, he told them it was off the table. Instead of a huge sanctuary, he explained, they were building an open-air amphitheater and saving millions of dollars. A few small buildings would suffice for offices. "There is greater joy in sacrifice," Chan says, "than when we give just out of our excess."That greater joy comes from habitual, routine, and generous giving—even automated giving—and forms our lives. It's what teaches the giver to be cheerful.
I’ve been sleeping in for days, And it’s got me sleeping in. I’ve been waking up with fear, Open up my eyes. I’m done with sleeping in. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm so tired of not fitting in. I'm so tired of never saying what I really think because it's so crazy and idealistic. I'm tired of settling when I know there's something more out there. I can't be that crazy. Can I? Do I really want the impossible? Matthew 13 44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. We just don't live like it's that... And personally I don't think it's just a matter of trying harder. I don't just want to try harder. I'm tired of trying harder--and to be honest it rarely gets me anywhere. I don't want to try harder--I want to more fully understand what I've been given and what I have. Because I truly get it, and I mean really get it--then I can't help but live differently. If I get God's love for me, I'll naturally respond with love to him. If I get how much God loves the world--I won't be able to help loving the world as well. I won't be able to contain the joy that I've been given and I'll want to let everyone know about this treasure that I've found. Honestly I don't think God wants us to pull ourselves by our boot straps. I don't think He's interested if what we do is motivated by anything other than love.
‘Cause when I am awake,
I will have to face my life.
And I’m hoping it’s a phase.
The walls that I create
Can only make it seem alright.
And I get carried away like I’m the only one
Who’s ever felt the way that I do,
But I can hear you say, “You’re not the only one.
Everybody hopes to get through.”
Every day God, it’s the same thing.
Yeah, you caught me sleeping in.
I’m still hiding; I’m still waiting.
I need you here with me to face the world outside
‘Cause I’m tired of sleeping in.
‘Cause all that I can hear
Is the ringing of alarms downtown.
It’s been going on for years,
But you have made it clear
That I am not alone in this crowd.
And I get carried away like I’m the only one
Who’s ever felt the way that I do,
But I can hear you say, “You’re not the only one.
Everybody hopes to get through.”
I’m tired of sleeping in
In a world that’s dying to wake up.
45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.