I need to apologize to you.
I have not lived in a way in a way that shows what I believe.
You may not know this but I am a Christian. Not because it’s popular—not because my parents are. No, I am a Christian because I unequivocally believe that it is true. I believe everything the Bible says whether I like what it says or not.
I say I believe this—and I truly do.
But unfortunately I have not been living as though it were…
And for that I am so very very sorry.
See I believe that there is a Heaven and there is a Hell—and I believe the only way to Heaven is through God’s Son- Jesus. And I know that there are a lot of you may not agree with me and may even get mad at me for saying that. But I can’t help it—every cell in my being cries out and screams that this is true.
I believe Heaven is an eternal place of wonder, beauty, and love. I believe Hell is a place of eternal place of torment, pain, and death.
And see I believe every person on this earth is broken and sinful and dead. I believe that if you are not a Jesus follower you will go to Hell.
Because God is so so rich in mercy and grace, He adores us. He loves you more than you could ever imagine. He created us and He loves us.
Here is what He thinks about you--
Mess Up.
Deeply Loved.
But with that love came justice and justice demanded that someone pay the debt of our sin. It demanded that someone else must stand in our place and pay our fee if we were to be saved....
So He planned a rescue—an incredible rescue. To rescue us. God sent his Son—His only Son to take all the punishment that was to be ours. God—infinite, all powerful, all knowing—wrapped himself in the flesh of a human—for us. And God offers us Salvation—a rescue. All you have to do is accept it and put your faith in the Hope that Jesus gave us. All you have to do is believe is that Jesus came and died for you and rose again from the dead and is now living—to save you. That’s it. You don’t have to clean up and become a better person. He’s waiting with open arms and outstretched hands waiting for you. And if you do believe the Angels are going to have a party in your honor.
But this isn't a halfway thing--you can't be "kinda" a Christian. No you are either all in or all out.
Now if I believe this—how can I not tell you—and everyone I meet this good news? I know a lot of you may get mad at me and say that I’m being judgmental. But please hear my heart –that is not my intention. I have not said anything for so long because I'm always scared that people are going to get mad. I'm sorry for being such a coward.
I just love you all so much. And if you were to die tomorrow—I would forever regret not sharing with you this incredibly good news. That everything you have ever been searching for can be found in Jesus.
And if you get mad at me so be it. I’d rather you be mad at me instead of never knowing this good news.
Thanks you all who read this. And I’m probably going to be a crazy person and talk to you about it too. And I want you to know I am praying for you all...
And I'm also sorry for all the times I have been a horrible example in other ways--in gossiping or being selfish and hateful, hypocritical.
I am a screw up too.
I love you all.