God really is good.
God can be trusted.
God knows more than I do.
God is faithful.
I am not in control of anything.
And that is a very good thing.
"Love—the true kind of love, the kind of love that overflows inside of us because of who God is and who we are and who He has born us anew to be—ought to pervade every piece of our life."
You are in the middle of your own story, and the Author is leading you somewhere. There will be much to be afraid of in your future. You will find yourself angry at times, shaking your fist at the sky. You will find yourself weary and worn thin. Remember that the writer of your story is leading you to a good land. He is making you into something unimaginably beautiful, a shining immortal, a prince or princess in his eternal Kingdom. There will be journeys in the seen world, and there will be journeys in the unseen one.-Andrew Peterson