Justin, whatever mhdsr isn't your song. And it applies to me better than any of you. So ha. I win. lol But the best thing is just as good too...and I was wrong far away isn't depressing...anyways.
Also, Justin running after the car screaming because he was that freaked out was hilarious. Blackmail. =P
You know when you can tell that something is wrong though even if the person seems to everyone else to be fine....hmmmm. I'm going to think about that....sometimes I wis...never mind...
(isn't that a wonderful note to end on. =P)
Bottom gear. Australian accents. wow. I laugh.
It is not!! it applies to me better than all of you. we make a better team anyway Ming. I'm not scared of him at all....no sir....not at all............
I hope I didn't get her into trouble. Please tell me I didn't...
MING. You KNOW that I had that song first!!! It was mine a longgg time ago and you know it! I don't care what you say. its mine. period. =P
Stephen...ugh. He must think he's reallll funny.
And...don't be a poser Ming and try to take the song.
You have emo songs. that song ism't emo. =P
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