Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fitting a mold or being molded?

I needed that so much. No, seriously you have no idea how much I needed that.

I got home and wrote over 2 pages on stuff that's been going on in my head that I haven't been able to sort through...

Since more people read this than I know I don't really like going in to detail on here.

So to sum it up

Am I forcing myself into a mold in an attempt to be someone else or am I allowing God to mold me into the person that He has called me to be?

I guess it seems like a pretty simple question--but it hasn't been for me.

Because see I try to hard to be like other people, and I need to stop. I mean there's nothing wrong with trying to be like other people but I wanted to be like them for the wrong reasons. I even wanted to be godly like them for the wrong reasons.

So, guys, I'm going to try my hardest to just be me, to be the person that God has called me to be and to honor him in everything I do.

I'm called to be molded-- not fit in the mold...

[sometimes it would be easier to just fit in though wouldn't it? lol]

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