It looks to be a promisingly warm day today. Which makes me happy. I'm not particularly fond of the cold especially in April.
I need to get on this whole graduation thing...such as find pictures and other assorted things. Yeah, I need to get on it...
Spring seriously does make me happy--that and not failing my Biology lab test. Oh and of course the fact that I am loved by and eternal, unchanging, unstoppable God. That's comforting. Incredibly so.
Oh life.
I realized we were doing good things, it's not as if we weren't doing good things. It's just sometimes I wondered why we were doing the things we were doing. And it started to hit me though as I read the Bible over and over and over again. That we're more than a people that just do good things; we're a people that model who God is to the world. I didn't want to settle for nice programs, nice people, nice place. I wanted a group of people that really lived out Jesus Christ to this world.
Todd Nighswonger
To me that's an awesome yet terribly frightening thought. I think it's awesome in the fact that God has entrusted us with this. Yet I'm also really scared with the fact that Christ has entrusted us with this. Because I know that me myself and I fall short of it so so often.
What's really comforting though--is that God can use me despite that...I'm not going to screw up his plan.
That's really nice to know.
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