Sunday, June 3, 2007


I'm desperately in love with my Savior guys...I'm drinking deeply and diving deeper....
Not a soft-spoken, passive, way either....

Is it even possible to really love and be passive about it?

adulation, affection, amour, appreciation, ardency, ardor, cherishing, crush, delight, devotion, emotion, enchantment, enjoyment, friendship, infatuation, mad for, passion, rapture, relish, respect, worship, yearning, zeal....

Your love will last forever
It’s like a mighty river
That flows and flows forever
Never stopping
Your awesome love protects me
When I sin Your love corrects me
You’re faithful to direct me
Always to Your love

And when I think of all You’ve done
There’s no love greater than this
You freely gave Your precious Son
To die for all my sins

And when I choose to disobey
You lead me back to Your truth
You show the fullness of Your love
By making me like You

I'm altogether loved, satisfied, and all together happy....

Dive deep, oh SOOOO deep! =)

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