At about 8 pm Sunday evening we got to Savannah. Monday we hung out at our Grandparents house, then I went to the beach for a couple of hours in the later evening; walked with and took pictures with that amazing sister of mine.
I talked with my aunt for probably about 2 hours Tuesday morning that was fun. And then spent alot of the day at my grandparents.
I read a lot while I was there but that's not really unusual for me...=P And just thought...I love to think.
Calls from Lauren helped the time go by =)....alot =P. She's so incredible that she can make bread and talk to me...I'm sorry she can't seem to get away from me... =P
All that said I'm oh so happy that we came back 4 days early. I'm so glad to be home.
No-one reads this save Lauren I'm pretty sure but that's ok =) haha I keep this more for my sake vs everyone else's I like being about to write down whatever my strange head is thinking at the moment... I should just make it private hmmm that's a thought...
Ohhh as a last thought, God is so good. So even if something isn't "good" in my eyes if it drives me and pushes me to's sooo good. =D It's just the realigning of my entire thought pattern that needs some work now...=P It worked well this time....
What would I do without her?
Seriously, you two are always taking pictures of yourselves.:P Its pretty ya I know I tell you that alot...
Haha I wonder who anonymous is :-P hahaha
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