Then I met Lauren (my bffn =P note the N) at CFA at about 4. and Sam Tyler and Carter were there working and then Stephen came since he had just gotten off of work, we didn't stay for long though...
Lauren and I then went to the mall and had an alright time we didn't really do anything there though- although we did see Alex. Oh yeah. uh huh. lol =P
After we decided that we both just weren't the shopping for hours type (not that we didn't know the before) We went back to CFA for dinner and like right as we were about to leave Tyler decided to take his break. lol So we stay and talk with him or actually more laugh at Lauren laughing about random stuff. =P 3:33 isn't that funny Lauren and 13:77 isn't a time...even in military time, sorry. =P
At about 6ish we left and went to Lauren's house. (haha the song on the radio on the way Lauren lol) Haha now that was fun. Between playing Life, talking, and sign language wow. lol
Lauren is amazing and a great example for me with trusting God
I can tell her anything =)
And she doesn't think I'm completely wack. =P
Mat Kearney sounds kind of like Coldplay and I like him. (nod)
Pictures *feel free to skip if you want*
LIFE lol
Oh my's...a house card?
Yeah she's amazing
Sign Language
Lauren: Ming don't look at the camera you look smarter then.
We randomly flipped to a page. lol
She looks really into it.
hahaha I'm sorry but I laugh.
I'm... uh... speechless... =P
Except that Mat Kearney is amazing. I was actually listening to him when I read that. =P
You two remind me of Spencer and Tim..........whoa... Did I just go there? ya I did.... 0.o
I was talking about Ming and Lauren that is.
You are taking sign language too? Or is Lauren???
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