Sunday, August 26, 2007

I don't even know.

Lunch today was let's leave it at that...but it's ok, I'm not complaining. =)
I really love my best friends. =)
Carter and Justin are awesome.
I'm reading an amazing book. Haha I love the detective and his humor it kills me.
Randy Alcorn is a very good author.

Life is harder than it appears. When it's you it's alot harder to sift to the bottom of things. Especially when you are the one that you're arguing with too. =P Yup I'm that much of a dork. =)

I love my life; I dislike certain aspects to it though right now...Yet I know it's so imperfectly perfect for me. My parents, my siblings, my friends, just my life in general- as imperfect as it absolutely, completely perfect for me.
Now I'm sorry but only a perfect God could do that.
Sometimes I feel like my lenses that I view life through gets fogged up....
And it's annoying because trust me I want to view it in the clear.
I want to trust Him...
But it's hard.
And I'm not going to lie to you or to myself and say it's easy. Sometimes it's very very very hard.

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