Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Am I crazy?

Questions running through my head; Do I think to much? Do I question things to much? Is it a bad thing not to just accept things because they are "traditional" or just the way it's always been done? Does this questioning mean that I'm just a rebellious kid? Does it have to mean that I'm just looking for excuses to do what I want? 'Cause that's not what I mean to be and do. I just want to do/not do things because I have thought through them for myself and I want to have convictions of my own. I don't just want to do them because it's what everyone else does. I want to own this faith--- this Christianity thing. I want it to be mine. I don't want it to be mine because of my parents or because of my pastors or because of my friends. No. I have to own it for myself--or it's just not going to last and when hard stuff comes along, if I don't own it then how can I posses it. Does that make sense? And part of the process of owning this faith for myself is questioning things. Is this bad?


Sarah said...

no, no, don't ever think that questioning things is bad, ming! that's such an important part of faith--if you never question things, you'll never know why you believe what you believe. of course, when questioning means doubt becomes a permanent fixture of your faith, then obv. that's bad. but "owning" your faith is so important. i don't think it's being rebellious at all--I think it's being prepared to always have an answer for why you believe what you believe =)and ya know, not all church practices/systems of thought are "christian"--some are just tradition. so keep thinking and praying and believing!

whoa, sorry for the long comment. but hope you're doing well =)

Ming said...

Sarah I love long comments, especially ones that have substance and I love you too. =) I'm doing well, I hope life and school is going well for you. =)

Tyler said...

pssh thats not a long comment. You should see the comments Ming has on my blog, Those are long.

Ming said...

it wasn't my fault! you had such like deep and thought provoking posts that I couldn't help it...
You don't need to worry about that now though. =P haha, they were really long though...