I'm sick of bio notes-- so here is where I shall procrastinate and take a break.
I've got nothing of importance or of consequence to say here at this moment.
But days like today make me happy. I mean getting out of lab early and just...other stuff.
[comments blasting me or comments like"Oh my goodness Ming, I can't believe you!" directed at the above statement, will not be posted just so you guys know. =P]
It was a beautiful day too-- clear and cool.
I really am fed up with the endocrine system right about now *just in-case* you guys wanted to know.
Sorry I don't have anything enlightening or profound to say. My posts as of late have been sadly lacking I'm afraid--but I can't very well say what's really going on inside this head of mine, now can I? You all would be so scared. =P
Hey, just be grateful you aren't working through Calculus problems like me. =P
This is true...I am thankful for that. lol
Oh my goodness Ming, I can't believe you!
Don't forget Just-in-time.
I like that one hahaha
I was just in time!!
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