starting in the left hand corner, starting there because I want to. =)
1. A couple roses that I got for graduation.
2. The number 19 that looks amazing
3. A paper crane Alise gave me. =)
4. Movie tickets--the one on the top; Prince Caspian.
5. Passion!!! map and wristband.
6. David Crowder poster andddd on top of that my CM name tag.
7. Red ribbon.
8. Tag from Cornerstone.
9. Note from Lauren about some gum she gave me. lol
10. A picture of an aston martin--and under that is a thing from mini golf. =P
Lauren look! My bed is finally cleared off. =P If you know me very well then you probably know that I normally have books piled up on my bed. But my mother who is so sweet went and got me a basket and told me to put them in the basket at the side of my bed. =)
(Isn't it lovely. =P)
My basket. =)
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