Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ahhhh. =P

(Don't ask me what's with the fly. I don't even know.)

Have you ever had so many thoughts running through your head that you don't think there is anyway possible to convey them, at least in a way that anyone other than you could understand?
Well that's been me for the past few days. I sit down to write and then realize that there's no way for me to say everything I'm thinking.
And I couldn't pick just one thought because one thought just seemed so insignificant compared to the dozens that were floating around in my head.

Just stuff like-
Really wanting to be sure that I get this whole Christian thing and if I don't how can I?
How can I make sure that I never come across as superficial?
What will it take to humble me?
Why is it so hard to love?
Talking to people is awesome.
What on earth does God have in store for me?
What will my future look like?
What does true worship actually look like?
Francis Chan can dance.
I wonder what Peter felt like seeing Jesus for the first time after denying him?
My friends are awesome.
My best friends are amazing.
Why can't people just be real?
What's heaven going to be like?
How cool is it going to be to meet people?
How amazing is it going to be, be! in the presence of God...
I love God.
I don't love God enough.

Just to name a few.
Yeah my head. =P

I was re-reading The Sin of Convenience and once again made me reevaluate myself...

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