Monday, October 15, 2007

"What's had such lasting significance about the miracles of Jesus, is the love that drove him to do the miracles. Yeah, he feed 5,000 people - but the next day they got hungry. He raises his friend Lazarus from the dead - but Lazarus died again eventually.
It wasn't just the miracles. It was the love that drove him to the miracles. It wasn't just that he healed the lepers; it was that he touched the lepers, because nobody ever touched the lepers."
Shane Claiborne

"I've come to see that following after Jesus isn't just about having a better vision - but it's about having new eyes. It's about seeing people differently. One of my friends he said, "You know Jesus never talked to a prostitute." I said, "Oh yeah he did!" and I start ripping open my bible and start preaching at him. He's like "No, no, no. Listen to me Jesus never talked to a prostitute because he didn't see a prostitute. He saw child that he's madly in love with."
That's the new eyes that if we could see each other with not as just - rich or poor black or white prostitute or addicts or alcoholics. If we could begin to see with the eyes of Jesus and see the image of God in every person we meet; and allow them to see God living through us."
Shane Claiborne

This so isn't me.
I see people for their outward appearances.
Labeling is something that I'm way to good at.
Rarely do I see the image of God in a person and I think even less often do they see God living in me.
My identity is in Christ. I need to start being true to ever facet of my life.

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