I don't want it to go away.
We need it soo bad.
But on the other hand it looks so terribly, dreary out. One of those days I just would love to curl up under a blanket, on the couch, with a book. =P Alas, that's not to be today. Oh well. =)
Yesterday I printed off this article and went back to my room too read it because it was something I wanted to really think about. Here's a small part of it;
"Essentially, we don't just love God (and therefore others, 1 John 4:20) because He first loved us. We also love God more by focusing on His love for us." From this article another except;
"Since then I've been grabbing those pockets in my day where I'm not feeling very excited about God and trying to refocus not on how to recapture that feeling through some psychological or religious gymnastics, but rather on the Gospel and what it says about God's love for me. And it's funny how even the most dry times get vibrant in a place like that."
Oh isn't that brilliant?? I loved it. It's so much easier to be happy when I focus on that. And I mean really, really focus on it.
What am I rooted in? Simply habit or a deep love for God? Hmmm. Something I need to ask myself more often. But yeah read the article it's well worth the five minutes it takes to read it.
On a completely different note "she loved it." I laughed. It was hilarious yet...messed up...but hilarious. =P
Frisbee tonight.! Well maybe because of the rain it won't happen but that's ok we'll find something to do. Maybe we could all read that book together. Since I mean it is about us. =P
By the way, I'm kidding.
Completely kidding.
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