Tuesday, November 6, 2007

He's faithful.

Talking about--Psalm 78
"And we often times have this thing where when we face temptation--we have these like youth group tricks, or stuff we read in the Bible or whatever acronyms or something that you use to face temptation. You sit there and you have that moment where you're deciding; I really want to be sinfully angry right now, I really want to lust right now, I really want to be greedy right now, I really want to be self-centered right now, you have that moment where you're deciding. And often times it's just like I'll guilt myself into not doing it or I'll try really hard or I'll just give up and go for it. There's all these different responses we can have. But one that I had never heard before I read this verse was-- thinking about how good God has been to you in the past. If you want to keep the commandments of God. If you want to have your hope in him. This guys said "Then make sure you sit at the feet of some people who've seen God work, make sure you think about all these stories of what God's done in other people lives and what God's done in your life. Just make sure you recognize how faithful God is." And all of a sudden it won't be a big issue to walk right past that stuff. Because you'll just sit there thinking "Man, no, I see God's got me on this track I mean he's got me going somewhere and I don't need this. I can just bypass this. Cause I see where we're headed and it's a good place" And you just keep walking."
Brian Colmery
Why is it soo easy to lose sight of how faithful God has been to me? Why is it so easy to get caught up in the here and now? Get sucked into and obsessed with my own issues that I forget how God has met me in everything in the past. His fingerprints, His footprints, His love--are all over my past...
So why wasn't I remembering that yesterday?
I feel so good when I remember...but then why is it so easy for me to be distracted.?
I'm going to keep walking. =) 'Cause my God's that amazing.
He's so faithful, so loving, so just...good. =)

I'm back to myself. =D I think. Whatever that entails or implies, I'm not exactly sure. =P
In other news...So I'm pretty psyched. I decided that I'm gonna post audio clips now along with my quotes... So now you guys are going to be bombarded with audio clips of things I find amazing. Forget me typing all the stuff out. =P Well never mind I probably will still type it out. Still! =P

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