Anyways, all the fun we had that night sort of was forgotten when we were leaving. Let me tell you why--- as far as I can figure out my brother decided to get out of the car to get some candy that had dropped on the ground while I was backing up. It was my fault I wasn't thinking and wasn't being responsible and I didn't check to see what he was doing. Somehow while I was backing up he tripped and his leg got under the car. All of a sudden he starts screaming and then Ying starts screaming at me that I've run over Jun-Fung. I am sorta in shock and disoriented at this point. I just sit in the car for a few seconds and was thinking to myself "Ok this can't be happening. But if it is...I don't want to freak out here and step on the gas when it's in reverse, thinking it's in drive so that I can get off his how do I put this car in drive." No kidding I was like so out of it. I sat there then switched it to drive and slowly pulled forward. ... Which lead to more screaming. Jun-Fung, ofcourse was scared and Ying was just screaming for me to stop. So I stopped. I put the car in park and run over to the other side of the car. By that time everyone is outside and we carry Jun-Fung and set him on the couch, and then Ms. Karen starts bending his leg and stuff to see if it's broken or something. I was still in shock I started to have visions of like his leg crushed. She called my parents and they said they'd meet us at the ER. So we go and put Jun-Fung in the car. I think it sorta hit me at that point anddd I sorta lost it...Yeah. So we drive over to the ER. My dad looks at it and says he thinks it's just soft tissue damage. But he wants an x-ray just to be sure. At this point Mrs. Glacken and Justin get there. Now Justin you know I love you to death and you're like a brother but yeah. =P
The whole time Ms. Karen and Ms. Linda and Mrs. Glacken are all telling me that it's not my fault and that it was an accident and that I'll learn from it and that I needed to trust God. Now I know/knew all of that stuff. But the fact of the freaking matter was I ran over my little brother. All I had to have done was just check and make sure that everyone was in their seats and buckled up. But did I? No I forgot. And I shouldn't have. Lol to be perfectly honest I didn't want to feel better about it...idk it's like I wanted to feel really bad about it and I did...
But I think the most annoying thing in the world is when you want to do something but you know it isn't right.
I got that God had forgiven me. I got that no one was mad at me. But it didn't make sense...I think I would have rather God, my parents, someone! had been mad at me. But since no one was getting mad at me. It's like I felt that I had to be at just didn't seem right not to be. You know it's really easy being the person that hasn't done anything-- it's easy being that person and telling the person who has done something that, "God isn't mad at them and that he forgives them and then they need to forgive themselves because it's what He would want, and it's not helping anyone, and just hurting them." (I've told it to people before and it's what my dad told me) Well it's really freaking hard being the person who has done something and has to forgive themselves-- let me tell you.
So yeah I was/am really humbled. And I'm so so thankful that Jun-Fung is ok. My God is good.
In other news the Tapestry party was pretty happenin' yesterday. =P No, it seriously it went really well. And Justin's little outfit was really cute. =P Should I post a picture Justin? lol
I like being the picture taker....
I hadn't seen her in forever and a day.

isn't it amazing =)

See Ms. Linda just makes Michigan cool. lol
Oh.. I'm sorry I was there.
and you don't have to post a picture if you don't want to. although I know you'll show it to people anyway...
Oh.. I'm sorry I was there.
and you don't have to post a picture if you don't want to. although I know you'll show it to people anyway...
Lol, it's ok you could be there it was just kinda awkward for a little while. lol
Yeahh. =P The one of you and Ben staring at each other was hilarious.
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