Thursday, November 1, 2007

oh dear.

So guys. How was your Halloween?
Mine was good...until I ran my brother over...ugh. It was my fault I didn't check I was being irresponsible.
What happened I think was that he was getting his candy or something that had fallen out and somehow when I was backing up he tripped and somehow his left leg got pinched by the right front wheel tire. It's a really long story that's just easier to tell in person or like in a conversation and I don't really have time to type it all up right now. Maybe later. But so you know he's really completely fine and he's running around so yeah I'm sooo thankful that it's not worth. God's amazing.
I've decided that even though it's good that people don't let you blame yourself and get mad at yourself. Sometimes at the time you just want to. idk I'm not thinking clearly right now I'm so This probably makes no sense


Lauren said...

and during this whole fiasco...i was peacefully sleeping...

Ming said...

Thanks Lauren. lol

Justin said...

Well you were too hard on yourself... and the kid is fine. lol. you would have never known he was run over. =P haha love ya sis

Tyler said...

You misspelled 'worse' in the second paragraph last line. :P

Ming said...

Thanks Tyler...thanks.

**worse-- there we go. Happy?

Tyler said...

lol thats good I guess...

Ming said...

Oh ok good...