So yesterday at about 11 am Lauren and I decided to get together, cause Meagan was over so Ying was hanging out with her and I haven't gotten a chance to just hang out with Lauren in a while (but the main reason was because we just are amazing at last minute plans =P)
About one I picked her up at church then we hung out for a few hours then I dragged her back to my (sorta messy) house to spend the night. We talked for a while, then made dinner, ate dinner, watched a movie, made brownies, and talked. =) We talked til about 10 ish with Ying and Meagan until I kicked them out of my room because Lauren and I were reallyy tired.
But we talked for awhile afterwards about...hahaha wow stuff like planning where Meagan and Ying would sit. To Lauren's dre...nvm. =P
Then I don't know what time but we were both fast asleep, Ying and Meagan decided to be losers and try to wake us up or something. I wasn't exactly...uhhh kind? when I told them to go to bed...So yup. Then we got up and went to church. Mr. Lechner's sermon was amazing. a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I loved it.
For lunch we went with the Abe's and the Glacken's were there and we dragged Carter along =). Josh is pretty much cool and Carter really wants to see some actress...=P
Then later Sam, Thomas, Mark, and Tyler showed up, Thomas and Mark are pretty much fun to talk to especially about eyes =P *sorry Lauren but that was hilarious* and Lauren's drawing on the napkin was amazing; she passed the test with flying colors. =P Yep it was grand.

Lauren likes chocolate...

I don't even want to know...lol

Yeah, you don't have to ask I know I'm a dork =P

I don't know what Meagan is doing...

thomas looked at me like an idiot when i said that it was pretty funny
"lauren...is it a usual occurrence that you choose to stare into a guys eyes?"
gosh only when i want to find out what color they are!
hahaha I laughed. still do in fact. =P
lol, sounds like an entertaining time..
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