I'm not going to fill you in about the details of my day, because I understand; while they don't bore me. It would probably bore you =)
I believe I have had a cold these last couple of days. Well...I don't believe, I know I have one. =P It is starting to get better now though, but it's been good having it.
*New train of thought*
Right next to my grandparents house there is this couple and I think they have 2 kids? Well anyways one morning I was sitting out on the front steps reading and they came charging out and proceeded to walk down the sidewalk shouting and screaming at each other. It hurt me to see that. So I prayed for them; this seems to be a normal regular occurrence, them yelling at each other-the kids. And I understand everyone has their own issues, but these people are loud. Seeing that made me just hurt for those kids to. Growing up that is going to be their idea of what adults do and act like. I thanked God for my parents then too, I mean not in a self-righteous "omg I'm so much better way" But in the sense of what's the thing keeping my parents from treating each other and me like that? Jesus. That's it. What's going to keep me from treating people like that. Jesus. That's it. And somehow that scares me, like I realize that Jesus is big and all but are you sure there isn't anything that I can do? Something that would make me feel better about myself? Something I can do to make myself feel safer? Something I can do, some book I can read, so that I make sure I never treat anyone like that....There's Jesus.
haha I'm sorry if that doesn't make any sense. I need to think about it some more.
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