Since when did my life become so un-normal? =P
Ever heard the term kicking a man when he's down? Well that's really what I felt like yesterday. haha ohhh dear. lol I honestly don't know how people do this life thing without God. I would have lost my sanity long long ago. =P
Don't worry it doesn't have to do with any of you that read this, it's something else *yeah something else*...lol yeah some of you know what I'm talking about.
It was kinda funny though, I was talking to my parents Friday night about some stuff *this was before the thing that came up yesterday*. It felt so good to tell them everything though I love my parents =). My dad pretty much asked me "So Ming how do you feel about this?" My reply was "*laughing* Which thing?" =P. He said, "Any/all of it. Because I know you tend to really worry about what people think about you and just that kind of thing." And I told him that it just seems since last September my life has had a bunch of stuff thrown in it. About 8 rather big things, I told him, "I'm reallllly realllllly reallllly tempted to be anxious, worry, and pretty much just feel bad about alot of it. But the fact of the matter is that a couple months from now, hey even if it's a few years from now, it's not going to be a huge deal. And getting upset over it isn't going to change that." I also said, "Sometimes I almost feel like God is having all of this stuff happen to me because I care so much. Slowly but surly he is chipping away at my fear of man. Showing me that this other stuff really doesn't matter. If what happened over the last couple of days had happened say a year ago, I would have flipped! Seriously I don't think I could have handled it at all, much less handle it well."
So yes;
So yes;
- I'm really in love and clinging to my amazing rescuer =)
- I was encouraged
- I have decided that when people get it, I mean really get it. That makes my heart happy. When I say it I mean....well you people that have gotten it know what I am talking about. =)
- But sometimes I wish that circumstances...nvm.
- Did I mention I love Jesus? lol No, I can't get over it. =)
I love your faith and dependancy upon the Savior during difficult challenges. You are an example to many around you, me included. I love you, Mrs.G
Thanks Mrs. George, you're to kind...but I really don't have a choice =) That is if I don't want to be admitted or something =P I love you too =)
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