I was listening to this amazing sermon from John 13 last night; it was primarily about the last supper. Which was amazing, but one point that was made that really stuck out to me was how throughout the entire book of John-John refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. About how it probably wasn't because Jesus loved him more or deeper than the other disciples. But how that is what defined John.
Here's a quote from it.
John the author of this book- he doesn't refer to himself by name... he refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Now we look at that and we are like "Ok that's a little bit of an awkward title. Why in the world would you call yourself the disciple whom Jesus loved?" But I'm convinced he's not saying, "I'm the disciple whom Jesus loved most." He's not referring to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved uniquely. He is referring to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved because that is his identity. His identity is wrapped up in two things; 1. That he is a disciple of Jesus Christ and 2. That Jesus Christ loves him. He's experienced Jesus's love in such an intense such amazing way that- that's how he's known... even to himself.
-Scott Mehl
Wow. Do those two things define me?
There are so many ways that I even as a Christian identify myself. My name, age, height, grade, family, friends, knowledge, and the list goes on. And oh Jesus is on that list somewhere, but I'm so afraid he gets lost among all the other stuff. Even if he's at the top of the list he's still competing with all the other things.
He should be my list.
Nothing compares. Nothing.
I'm working on being defined by him, his love for me, and my love for him.
great post ming!
I read. I love reading your blog, you are such an inspiration to me. Your affection for the Savior is so admirable. I like you new name of your blog, but I think it should be in present tense "the girl whom Jesus LOVES". I love you-Mrs.G
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