- My God is so amazing.
- He loves me.
- I love Him.
- My parents are the best and I love them.
- They are easy to talk to.
- Lauren is amazing
- Keri is pretty awesome too.
- Ying's hilarious.
- She's even funnier when watching "The Office"
- I love reading the Bible.
- I love reading period though.
- I seriously love it.
- I'm a dork/nerd/weirdo/strange girl. And I'm ok with that.
- I don't freak out that easily.
- But I worry way to much about what people think about me or if they're mad at me...
- And if I think they are I freak out...really bad.
- I miss Frisbee in the spring and in the rain.
- I miss Frisbee in general though. =P
- I love music.
- hellogoodbye
- Having joy all the time is harder than you would think.
- Good conversation brings me happiness.
- Ying is an all or nothing person.
- I really love God. I'm sorry but it's so awesome.
- Lauren and I can talk about anything.
- Kate is so sweet
- My friends love God. That just makes them cooler than cool.
- People think I'm a dork because I am. =)
- Justin and Carter are pretty awesome brothers.
- I say things like: Alright I'm done, the end, I'm rambling quite a bit, I'm sorry.
- Mercy and Grace.
- Stephen's got good taste in football teams. =P
- Life is amazing.
- 6 days!!! yeah I'm thrilled.
- Mark's the best at frisbee when he wants to be
- Joey comes up with awesome things like "red hummers" =P
- Oh and then 1 week. =P
- I love my best friends.
- And I want to go to passion. And I want Lauren Keri Mark Tyler Stephen and Joey to go too cause that'd be amazing. (Although technically Lauren, you can't =P just graduate for heavens sake...) Honestly guys though it's passion...DCB will be there anddd Francis Chan. uh huh.
- Thunder and Lighting are the best.
- My friends are the best, I couldn't have gotten better ones from an infomercial or something.
- Seriously I don't deserve any of them.
- Tyler does awesome things like own Sam's pants. =P haha
- Ying knows me so well it is annoying, no matter how much I try I can't hide stuff from her...-_-
- I love sunshine.
- I love watermelon.
- I love fruit in general though
- Whipped cream.
- Smarties?
- Alise and Jane-Claire are adorable as is Adrianna. =D
- The 4's is the most amazing class since ever. 8)
- I love carrots and apples
- I still get a kick of being about to bite an apple after about 5 years of not being able to.
- Wind is my friend; as long as long as we aren't playing Frisbee.
- I love being able to drive =D.
- Sarah E. is an amazing writer and she gets it. =D
- Love and Joy.
- I love God, He's my bff. =)
- I have only known Lauren not quite 2 years yet :-0
- Kate and Beth getting hyper and talking and laughing when we were suposse to be sleeping =)
- Ying isn't white. =P
- I don't think of myself as ugly but I don't think I'm particularly pretty either, and I'm ok with that. =)
- I was made to be pursued and to pursue my God.
- Befuddlement is an awesome word.
- So is mirth, inconceivable, abhorrent, inexplicably, ect.
- I'm inexplicably happy =D
- I like silver better than gold.
- I'm not perfect.
- I'm not a picky eater.
- I love people.
- I really need to work on this whole patience thing...
- Oh and this faith and trust thing too...
- Can't forget the love thing either....
- I dog ear pages and underline and use highlighter way to freely in books. =P
- I don't mind doing dishes and cleaning as stuff (most of the time)
- I like Calvin and Hobbes
- I like Pearls before Swine too
- I'm not very opinionated on many things.
- April showers bring May flowers.
- I like flowers.
- Skittles are the bomb.
- Candy is bad for you.
- I need to let my yes be yes, and my no be no.
- I listen to sermons...alot. =P (Cornerstone, Covenant Life, and Shoreline are my favoritest podcasts oh and Axis.)
- I enjoy helping people.
- Things make me laugh.
- Playing random card games with Lauren, Sam, and Ying in the ushers room was fun.
- Mrs. George is my favoritest Mrs. George ever. =D
- Beth and Ying are alot alike.
- I'm ready for fall....
- Then comes winter...
- Hot chocolate is the bestest after playing out in the snow.
- I hate shopping for winter clothes; due to the fact I can never find sweaters long enough.
- I'm to tall...well I feel like that sometimes.
- I use to have a habit of being invisible on AIM some of you might remember that... =P
- I'm working on trust God with my all.
- Pictionary is the best.
- Ying thinks she's funny, when she really is -_-
- Mint Chocolate Chip is the best ice-cream period.
- Jesus died for me.
- He's my hero. =)
- I love trees.
- I look better with long hair in my opinion.
- I loving singing but I pretty much can't.
- I enjoy giving people random gifts. And writing notes.
- And I love finding the perfect thing for someone.
- My highest aspiration is to Love God with all of my heart soul mind and everything else in between.
- Second highest aspiration is to love people as much as I love me.
- I'd say something but then if you read it then you might like freak =P
- I love Philipians 4:4 and the entire book of James and Hebrews 11 come to think of it I love the whole Bible...lol
- Heaven will be amazing...
- I can't wait.
- Dive Deep guys. Ohhh soooo deep.
- hmmmmmmmm
- I love thunderstorms.
- Reading a book during one is the best.
- Lemonade, yellow or pink doesn't matter.
- Chick-fil-a (what can I say I'm homeschooled=))
- Laughing with people about the most retarded things.
- "One more slap and you're out Justin!!" or "U-turn." Good times.
- Finding humor in the humorous
Then Sunday....
Maybe just Sunday...
Then Sunday....
Maybe just Sunday...
120# "One more slap and you're out Justin!!" or "U-turn." <>
THAT has to be my fav
i bursted out laughing...it took about a minute for me to compose myself...and i don't think i am quite composed yet...
113# Dive Deep guys. Ohhh soooo deep.
i love this one too...mmm go swimming in the dessert?
i'm going to buy that book that was the best.
Lauren: hahaha wow good times. that was hilarious.
That book is amazing...both of them are...
Justin: lol, um thanks?
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