Yes, yes. Today marks the day that my little sister made her first appearance....and my life was never the same again. I had lost the coveted term of "an only child" by the age of two. Which was fine by me. =P I pretty much adored her from day one. I was pretty much born for the job of being an older sister. =P
Even when she's talking my ear off or teasing me incessantly- I really do not know what I would do without her. She keeps me grounded, humble, and from taking myself and life in general to seriously.
Even though we may look somewhat alike (though she is prettier =)) and our names only have one letter that is different--- We really in many ways are the complete opposites if you know us then you know this to be She may try and fool you into thinking that she's the "quiet one" between the two of us. Do not be fooled.
*see below*
(And she isn't even screaming her loudest...scary...I think so. =P And don't you want to go to the mountains with us =P jk)
(hahaha she's going to kill me when she sees this)
(You thought you knew Ying didn't you, and she's not even hyper here =P When she's tired and hyper...0_0 =P)
Life is never dull with Ying around she's always making some witty or funny (at least she thinks they are) comment. She really is amazing kids.
I really do thank God everyday for giving me a sister with whom I get along with so well and I really pray that she falls more in love with the God that loves her more than I ever ever ever could. (I know that sounds cliche but I really mean it.)
Now for the fun stuff =P *click on all pictures to enlarge =P*
Old Pictures
Were we homeschooled? Noooo us =P haha wow.
vvv She always was holding my hand when she was like 2.


0_o wow.
Were we homeschooled? Noooo us =P haha wow.
vvv She always was holding my hand when she was like 2.
0_o wow.
hahahaha, if I wasn't dead before I am now.
New Pictures
We take pictures cause we're cool like that...yeah...=P or not.
Yeah that's so Ying =)
haha yeah I'm a dork. =P
She's amazing
she looks mischievous
oh yeah.
So if you are reading this you could you say something nice about the amazingness that is my sister. =)
I love her. =)
Edit:Or maybe they are...=/
lol say something amazing? I don't know where to seriously.. I don't know what I'd do without Ying. She's pretty much the most amazing girl on this Earth(with the exception of Ming-wai) We always get along amazing. and on those rare occasions when we don't, its like death. I can't stand it. She keeps Ming young(er)=P.haha. You could be bored out of your mind, and it'd still be amazing just because Ying was there. She means soooooooooo much to me and I love her like a sister.
^^^ Props to Justin. Or..."Kudos"^^^
Well, well. Today is a very special day. I flicked Zach off on this very day just a years ago. Haha ok I'm just kidding. Zach rocks and I regret doing that.
But anyway. Today isn't my birthday or Zach's birthday. It's Ying's birthday! There isn't another human being on this earth that I could talk for hours and hours about absolutely nothing and still have a blast every time :-P. I've only known her for a very short time but it feels to me like ages. She's one of my best friends that God has so amazingly given to me. Theres only one person that makes me laugh more than Ying (I'll give you a hint: Stardust). But there is no other person who can tease me constantly about nothing (most of the time...hahaha). I'm not a Ying Hater because of it, oh no way. I love my friend-like-sister to death and my only regret is I wish I knew her better and hung out with her more.
Thank-you SOOO much my wonderful amazing sister Ming! :-D
I am oh, so very blessed I can't even say how blessed I really am to have such an amazing sister,family, and friends like you guys!
I'm so glad I have such caring people like you all to hang out with and talk to :-D
I thank youuuuu very muuuch for tolerating me for so long.
Lets just hope I will mature much in this year and not be so juvenile :-P
Well I love you all!!!! Thanks again guys. Really :-D
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