Monday, September 3, 2007

"Holy is the Lord" -Amazing

Wake up little Isaac
And rub your tired eyes
Go and kiss your mama
We’ll be gone a little while
Come and walk beside me
Come and hold your papa’s hand
I go to make an altar
And to offer up my lamb

I waited on the Lord
And in a waking dream He came
Riding on a wind across the sand
He spoke my name
“Here I am”, I whispered
And I waited in the dark
The answer was a sword
That came down hard upon my heart

Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord
And the Lord I will obey
Lord, help me I don’t know the way

So take me to the mountain
I will follow where You lead
There I’ll lay the body
Of the boy You gave to me
And even though You take him
Still I ever will obey
But Maker of this mountain, please
Make another way
Andrew Peterson is a brilliant lyricist.
Even Ying, who doesn't really appreciate his voice or music style - liked this video with this song. Hmmmm yes. I love it.
I hope you like it too. =)

When I have grown up with these stories my whole life; sometimes it's hard for me to remember that people in the Bible were just normal people. People with feelings and emotions. People with struggles-normal people who were chosen by God.

It's easy for me to just read the Bible without realizing how chock full of amazing stories it is.
I mean if you really think about them.

If I am to forget about the fact that I knew about Noah's Ark from the time I was 2. Then if I can forget the little cardboard book that have a cute little boat with giraffe head' sticking out of the top of it - somehow it seems scarier now. lol

It's the same with all the other stories- Abraham and Issac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph's coat, Esther, Ruth, The Plagues, Moses and the burning bush, Moses and the Red Sea, Joshua and Jericho, Rahab, Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, Gideon, Daniel and the lions den, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and the Furnace, and that doesn't even begin to name them all and then you have the prophets who led crazzzy lifes- Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, ect.
And that's just the Old Testament-everything in it is pointing to an even bigger story...

Then the biggest story of all finds itself wrapped up in this baby born in a dirty stable to a girl who's younger than me. 0_o The God in the Old Testament- the one with the incredible power, incredible justice, incredible love...became that boy...

Then that boy grew up and did crazy things and said crazier things. (it's what happens with God becomes a dot.) The blind saw, the lame walked, the dead people...weren't dead.? lol He fed wayyy over 5,000 people with 5 small bread loaves and 2 dried fish. He said insane things like; turn the other cheek, love people as much as yourself, that he was the only way to God, and that he was God.

People weren't happy with the boy from Galilee...
I think it's cause he ruined their picture of God...This man, this carpenter - couldn't be God...!
It just didn't fit in their box that they had constructed for God...
I don't know but when I really think about it...don't just accept it as something I have heard my whole life. It changes my perspective; somehow it seems more real.
If I imagine it more then it takes on a new dimension.

Think about it- That God with inconceivable faithfulness and unbelievable love. The God that is all powerful, wrapped in mystery, unpredictable, who does crazy things. That God pretty much loves you in an all consuming way...infact the entire story of the Bible is just a story of him chasing down individuals to show them his glory and love....

I just can't believe He chose to chase me down; to rescue me; to save me; to love me....

Hmmm yeah now I really am never going to get over it and I pray I never do.

Alright I'm done rambling. =)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

oh always make me think :)

Praise God for His enduring faithfulness through all the years.

I hate to say it but several times I have thought of God as my "modern" God. Like He has wised up since "way back then" He is different now...but oh no...He is the same loving God

Oh, how my brain is so limited.