Love and Joy.
I want to be crazily, obsessively, passionately - in love with my Savior. =) And I think I am slowly getting there. I have a long way to go but I am crazy about Him. =)
How could I forget how good He is.? How could I worry? How could I be discontented? How could I not be joyful? Ahhh I annoy myself. And it's no one's fault but my own. lol
If I can't have full complete joy and be perfectly content at where I am right now at this very moment; What makes me think that if my circumstances were to change that I would have complete joy?
I wouldn't. My roots of joy need to run much deeper than simply the topsoil of my circumstances and life. My joy, needs to be ever so deeply and solely rooted in the character and LOVE of my God. Then and only then will I have the peace and joy of God. When I am rooted in him then - when the trials and the droughts come I can still be drinking the water of His love; and overflowing with a sincere joy. How did I forget this?
See I think I had planted myself down in a shallow garden and in love He transplanted me to somewhere were I won't be hampered by the superficial and can dig way down deep, so I can grow oh so tall =). Yes, it hurt/hurts, I was quite comfortable where I was at. But it's sooo good for me. Isn't He amazing? =)
When life is going exactly the way I want it to and I have joy, peace, hope, and strength - that's normal. It's when thing's aren't going the way I'd like them to and I still have joy, peace, hope, and strength - then it becomes supernatural. I have been called to live a supernatural life.
Jesus is my psychological crutch. And I'm terribly terribly proud of it. =D
How dare I worry and fret about things. Ugh I have nerve.
Do I have desires and dreams, yes. But my desires and dreams are inconsequential =P. God's will may or may not line up with mine in the scheme of things. If it does; Great! If it's doesn't; Great! =) Because ultimately I want, I seriously want God's will done in my life. No, matter what.
I don't know what my future holds; what path in life I will walk. He does not promise me a trial free and easy life or everything I want. But I know this because he has promised; and that is that HE will be there by my side, the entire way holding my hand. He will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, let me go. =) Yeah my Dad is pretty much amazing. =)
And I worry?
Here I am God, use me however you see fit.
Anyways these are my silly musings kids. Just the thoughts that have and are running through my head. =P
Here I am God, use me however you see fit.
Anyways these are my silly musings kids. Just the thoughts that have and are running through my head. =P
And I'm off to class now. Love you all. =)
Isaiah 41:13
For I, the Lord your God,
hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
I am the one who helps you.”
=) =D
For I, the Lord your God,
hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
I am the one who helps you.”
=) =D
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