Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So this morning in my State and Local Government class we were getting our test grades from last Thursday back. I was freaking out because everyone says they do horrible on his first test and that he's tricky with the way he words questions. So Mr. Sember walks into the room, goes up to the board, and proceeds to write out the following -

Exam 1# Average: 68 + 10 curve = 78

I freaked more. After he was finished writing that horrid junk, he then tells us that he won't tell us what we got til the end of class. I nearly died. The whole class I was sitting there tortured about the 10 "other" grades that could very well be me. So while we are talking about Los Vegas trying to pass a law where it's illegal to feed the homeless and whether or not spanking is right. In the back of my mind the large number 10 is forever present...the number 78 average on the board very harshly glaring at me from the board.

So finally we get done with class and he hands out the tests to various individuals. Gasps of dismay are floating around all over the class room. I hear things like "I didn't think I did that bad!", "I thought I had that!", and "What???!!!". These things do not help me feel any better...

And ofcourse my is at the bottom...So finally he comes down to the last 2 tests. I forgot to write my name on mine and so did this other kid...whoops. lol So Mr. Sember is standing there trying to figure out who's is who's and I'm just feeling worse and worse. Finally we figure out that my handwriting is small and I wrote alot. So he hand me my test back and I pretty much almost cry in relief.

I didn't get an "other".


103. yeah.

My week is made.


Tyler said...

Lol. You didn't write your name. Homeschooler.

Ming said...

You know what Tyler...you're one too so you can be quiet. =P
Funny thing is the other kid use to be homeschooled too...lol

Stephen D. said...

You know what ScAd. I do believe a 103 owns your math test grade so you don't have any room to speak. lol. Awesome job Ming. =)

Ming said...

Thanks Stephen. lol I believe Tyler's test was alot harder though. =P

Sarah said...

wohoo, you rock!

Ming said...

thanks Sarah. =)