Colossians 4:5-6
5 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. 6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
Mr. Lechner's sermon today was so amazing; it was about reaching out the lost and such...The story about the gamers...made me laugh. lolBecause it's something that I know I could get way better at, but it's also something that I think I have sort of been getting better at. I still have sooo much room to grow in but it's been cool because I think that for about a year now God has helped me have a new perspective about people.
It's almost enough to drive me mad though sometimes...
Ok this is weird and I'm not just saying this as a sentimental sort of thing-but this last semester when I was at school the people killed me. Why? Because I cared about them.
Pretty much every Tuesday and Thursday anyone I passed or caught my eye- a girl with earrings all over her face smoking, the boy with a band shirt emo hair and sad eyes, the lady who when you looked at her you just wondered life had dished out for her, and the list goes on.
All of those people nearly drove me mad. Seriously as almost every time I passed someone I would think/say to myself, "I wonder what's going on in their life right now. What sorta life do they lead...Are they a Christian? If not I wonder if they ever will become saved...and if they are I wonder what circumstances God will use to drawn them to him...I wonder...." It would go on and on and on and on. I couldn't make my head be quiet. I would really try to not care, which is wrong I know but it was driving me nuts....I finally just got to the point where I was praying for every person that caught my eye....
Which I know is good I guess...but I almost wished sometimes that I could pray for them without really caring for them...because caring for them was driving me mad....I finally got the the point where I just have to trust God....
I think it was good for me, lol I know it was/still is good for me. I still get that way occasionally I go places (grocery store, restaurant, ect)...ok fine I get that way pretty much every time I go anywhere.... Just please don't think I'm really like wack. Even though I very well might be. =P Now anyone who reads this
I never told anyone this because I guess I was worried that either;
1. they would think I was insane =P
2. they would think I was making it up because I was trying to look good or I don't even know...
I know, I know it all comes back to fear of man...I'm trying to kill it guys I really am. =\
**hahaha so I love how I started talking about the sermon and it went in a totally different**
And I'm really sorry if this post made no sense at all it was really sorry...
Hmmmm. I know exactly what you mean. I encountered some of that at CP over the last year. I really agree with that one point Joe made were he said that in college is when you have the biggest opportunity to reach out to the lost. It’s really great that God has put evangelism on your heart though. =)
=) thanks. Yeah that was a great point. I really liked the whole package illustration though. And ofcourse the story about the gamers =). lol
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