Hmmm when I think of progress in my mind I think of independence; having to rely less on something. For instance-if you were to break your leg progress means you aren't relying on crutches as much, when a little kid makes progress in learning to walk they rely less on a person or object to hold them up, ect ect.
Which is true in most things, progress normally means that you rely less on certain things.
The problem is even when it comes to God I still have this mindset; that somehow as I grow, mature, and progress in my walk with him that I should have to rely less on Him. I have this mindset that as I grow, that somehow I can rid myself of my weaknesses- therefore I won't have to trouble God as much with my weakness I can depend on him less and on myself more.
But the opposite is true. The more I grow; the more I realize my need for God. The need has always been there but when I grow I simply see it more clearly.
Though the lovely thing about it is that God only uses what is weak to bring him glory. Which is a very good thing since we all are pretty pathetic. =) But yes, it's a glorious thing.
It's kind of the same thing with growing. When I think growing; I think growing up, of becoming an adult and such.
But with God it's backwards growing means becoming a child. Depending completely and fully on him. Trusting and putting all of yourself in him.
This is what I am striving towards, to become more dependent, rely more, and become a child. =) Oh such high and lofty goals.=)
Mark 10:14-15
When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
I want to enter the Kingdom of God....I want to run around in it. =)
*This is why I loved re-reading Blessed Child, I think I got that concept more after it* =)
Thanks Lauren
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