Friday, September 7, 2007


Why is it so easy for me to get distracted by things of this world?
Such stupid silly things....
Yeah it annoys me. =/
I'm so glad my God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.
I'm so glad He's not a I can so often be.


Stephen D. said...

Whatever it is... I didn't do it... =P

Nah, it's just the nature of a falling humanity. We constantly wander from our savior. But luckily for us He is patient with us and His mercies are new every day. =)

Ming said...

We are incredibly fortunate...=)
I still wish I didn't do it at all though...

Stephen D. said...

Don't we all? That would be very nice wouldn't it? But, that isn't the case so we just can't be surprised at our stupidity and sin and just pray for God's forgivness, strength, and mercy and move on... =)