Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hello to the two people that actually read my long winded ramblings--it's been a while.
This summer has been crazy. My life looks nothing like I imagined it would look like it would have 4 years ago....or 6 months ago. This summer has been amazing, painful, and wonderful all at the same time.
It's been composed of me wrestling with God and clinging to faith in the midst of pain and tears. God is good and there is a reason for EVERYTHING has been my anthem and it has kept me sane(ish) ;).

 If you know me at all you will know that I dislike...actually no-- I hate unknowns. I like to have everything figured out and have a plan for everything. I don't even care if it's going to be painful or life is going to fall apart--I think I will be ok if I just know about it. When I don't know what exactly is going on-- I become the queen of over analyzing (Mrs. George will attest that this is true haha). It's a weakness--thankfully God is working on me and I'm learning slowly but surely. 

God is good though kids, He can be trusted and He has never ever let me go. He knows what is best and He wants me to have faith that He really is in control and I can rest in that.

I am a beloved daughter of God and He loves me.
This is my identity and nothing else matters.
If I sink the roots of my identity in this fact it doesn't matter what happens in my life.
It doesn't matter that I don't know how everything is going to play out right now.
It doesn't matter if the whole world hates me. I am going to be ok.
In fact I am going to be better than ok.

So here is to dancing, 

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