Thursday, January 31, 2008

If this doesn't make you happy I don't know what will. =)

The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty’s all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I’m completely satisfied

For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love

A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You
Of deep deep love, yeah it’s filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my guilty life
In Your presence God I’m completely satisfied
How kind is it of God to draw me back to Himself? Honestly.
How amazingly awesome is that of Him. With Him standing next to me---my troubles really do seem to fade. Oh, how I love him. When I'm in His presence I'm completely satisfied. This is what I was made for....hmmm yes. =)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Warning I'm being really real here. Love me or hate me. Think I'm right or wrong. Fine go right ahead. This is me.

I'm done pretending like I've got it all together. Or even knowing that I don't have it together but trying to put up a facade that makes it look like I somewhat have it together. Fact is I don't. I'm this screwed up, indecisiveness, prideful, selfish, sinful, person who's life and head is all over the place. Who lives in a screwed up, confusing, sinful world....

But see...this amazing amazing God loves me. Oh no and get this...he loved all of me. Ever dirty filthy horrid part. And he loved me so much that he sent his humble, selfless, loving, perfect Son to take my place and take my punishment. To allow me to kill and put to death this silly, screwed up, indecisive, prideful, selfish, sinful girl....and to give her a new identity and the ability to be humble, selfless, and loving. Not only that but He gave her a home. A true home that in her heart of hearts she is longing for. Not only a home but an inheritance. And not only an inheritance...but a Father, a Savior, Lover of her soul, and millions of brothers and sisters. Yeah that's right. Let that blow your mind.

Sometimes I think I almost get it...almost...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Random thoughts

Life is good.

God is good.

God loves me. Seriously.

No one's mad at me.

And I think I'm going to Passion. No, wait sorry Lauren---I'm going to Passion. =P

Adrianna is adorable.

I need to be more sensible though...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Always loved, rest in that and be motivated

"You are always, always, always, loved and you never need to go anywhere else other than God to find it. As a Christian in this room---as anyone in this room, I beg you, learn not to pursue God's love like you have to earn it but learn to rest in it because you have it. And let that motivate your whole life."
This is something that I need to get. No, seriously I really need to get it. The God of the Universe--my dear dear Savior loves me. "you never need to go anywhere else other than God to find it." I need to get this.

It made me think, "Where am I looking for love/acceptance/self-worth/joy/peace? Am I looking solely to God?" Most of the time...I don't think I am. To be solely rooted in my God, is something that I think I'm sorely lacking in. Yeah, sure, I'm somewhat rooted in him--but fully and completely?

The thought that I'm rooted in things other than God scares me. Because I know from experience how jealous my God is. He will not suffer things to come before Him, He does not hesitate pruning things out of my life for His glory and my good. I want to say, "Do what you will with these feelings and this situation Lord." But deep down I don't want to, for fear of what God would do. I know how painful it is to be rooted up from your garden of loves and idols and how much it hurts to be transplanted.

It comes down to love, faith, and trust.

Do I believe that God loves me?
Do I love him?
Do I trust that no matter what happens that it really is a good plan?
Do I have faith that he will finish in me what he has begun?
Do I have faith that he will take care of me?
Do I trust that my life is better in his hands than mine?

These are all lovely thoughts to have on a Saturday afternoon. =P

Seriously though it's a scary can I give any less? I was bought. My life and myself are not my own anymore...

So in conclusion I'm not going to limit God. Seriously though I really really do love God...and I'm willing to be transplanted as many times as I need to be till I find myself solely and completely rooted in His wondrous unchanging amazingness.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Take a storm and watch sing

Take a storm and watch sing
Take the thunder create a scene
Take a light and throw it across the sky
For the whole world to see
Take the ocean take the tide
Sweep it in here on beaches white
Wipe my eyes and let me see
The beauty of Your sunrise
There is nothing like You
There is nothing underneath the son
Without You, You are all and all is good
There is nothing like You
Nothing Like You

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Nothing of importance or of consequence to say here at this moment.

I'm sick of bio notes-- so here is where I shall procrastinate and take a break.

I've got nothing of importance or of consequence to say here at this moment.

But days like today make me happy. I mean getting out of lab early and just...other stuff.
[comments blasting me or comments like"Oh my goodness Ming, I can't believe you!" directed at the above statement, will not be posted just so you guys know. =P]

It was a beautiful day too-- clear and cool.

I really am fed up with the endocrine system right about now *just in-case* you guys wanted to know.

Sorry I don't have anything enlightening or profound to say. My posts as of late have been sadly lacking I'm afraid--but I can't very well say what's really going on inside this head of mine, now can I? You all would be so scared. =P

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Am I crazy?

Questions running through my head; Do I think to much? Do I question things to much? Is it a bad thing not to just accept things because they are "traditional" or just the way it's always been done? Does this questioning mean that I'm just a rebellious kid? Does it have to mean that I'm just looking for excuses to do what I want? 'Cause that's not what I mean to be and do. I just want to do/not do things because I have thought through them for myself and I want to have convictions of my own. I don't just want to do them because it's what everyone else does. I want to own this faith--- this Christianity thing. I want it to be mine. I don't want it to be mine because of my parents or because of my pastors or because of my friends. No. I have to own it for myself--or it's just not going to last and when hard stuff comes along, if I don't own it then how can I posses it. Does that make sense? And part of the process of owning this faith for myself is questioning things. Is this bad?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

They will kill. =P

Those icy roads will kill, be careful. Yes, I'm being facetious. =P

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Snow falling is a lovely sight.
Fortunately it didn't stick this morning. =)
Unfortunately it didn't stick this afternoon.
But it's ok.
Hmmm yes.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Psalm 51

Psalm 51:1 Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy
blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin!

For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you may be justified in your words
and blameless in your judgment.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being,
and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones that you have broken rejoice.
9 Hide your face from my sins,
and blot out all my iniquities.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will return to you.
14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God,
O God of my salvation,
and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;
you will not be pleased with a burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

18 Do good to Zion in your good pleasure;
build up the walls of Jerusalem;
19 then will you delight in right sacrifices,
in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.


I want to pray like David. I want to repent like David. I want to grasp this God. I want to love him. And I want to understand that he loves me.

Now playing: Relient K - The Best Thing

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I am pleased.

RCCC is closed

Jan 17, 2008: Due to current weather conditions, all day classes have been canceled. A decision regarding evening classes will be made by 3:00 pm today.

CPCC is open

January 17, 2008: Central Piedmont Community College campuses will be open.

It's white out...and cold--I shivered just thinking about it....but it's lovely. Hmmmmm yes.

Edit: Life is good. *looks determined to think so. =P* No, seriously though guys it is. =)
And I went on a walk, it was cold but it was amazing. =)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Doesn't this picture look like summer?

[Doesn't it though? Maybe it's just me...]

Grapefruit is amazing.
Cornerstone is too.
Hot water is a gift from God.
I love life.
I dislike aspects of it though.
Does that make sense?
"wow...thats disturbing, ming emo"
Apparently, I have creepy pictures too.
haha wow. Sorry guys.
It's cold out....this saddens me.
I should make my blog private or readers only, it seems to be the "in" thing to do.

Edit: [No, Lauren I'm not sore at anyone. If I was I would have said just like private blogs or something I was just saying that everyone is doing that, it's rather funny actually. lol]

Also lab was very very boring. And I have a practical next week. ugh. They don't waste time do they?
Now playing: Francis Chan - Grace and Security

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Justin, whatever mhdsr isn't your song. And it applies to me better than any of you. So ha. I win. lol But the best thing is just as good too...and I was wrong far away isn't depressing...anyways.
Also, Justin running after the car screaming because he was that freaked out was hilarious. Blackmail. =P
You know when you can tell that something is wrong though even if the person seems to everyone else to be fine....hmmmm. I'm going to think about that....sometimes I wis...never mind...
(isn't that a wonderful note to end on. =P)

Bottom gear. Australian accents. wow. I laugh.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I want the satisfaction
Of knowing that my heart beats after You
Burning with devotion
To give it up in all I do
I want to take the notion
When regret is all I find
And even if it breaks me
To leave it all behind
For You
Here I am, again
This is the last place that I thought You’d take me
And I
Hear the sound begin
I’ll never fall away I know you’ll find me
And our eyes they’ll meet again
That’s where we’ll begin
Our love will never end

Spiderwebs are awesome. Unless like you like walk into in them and they cling to your face, then they are creepy and scary. Otherwise they are just wispy and just pretty in general.

You know when I use to be really scared by spiders---snakes and other bugs didn't bother me in the least [well earwigs are creepy but that's besides the point.]. But spiders just made me shiver---due largely to the fact that when I was a kid I was in the garage one time when a daddy long leg somehow made it to my face and yes, it was a scarring experience. =P I'm not scared of them now. Anyways I don't even know why I rambled on about that....oh, well.

My English class is at two and then ends at....five. Oh, it'll be joyous a time I'm sure of it. Especially given I can't write worth anything....I'll live though. I hope.

I like that song above and the one below too. I really like the one below....

Also Thursday it's going to be raining but not tomorrow **hint**hint*cough**cough**.

Oh, life. Guyses when did it become so....I don't even know. lol

Are you ever frustrated at your head, your writing skill [or in my case lack thereof], or just words in general? I am at this moment in time. I can't get words to harness stuff in my head at this moment. I wouldn't post it on here even if I could =P but nonetheless it's annoying. =P

Alright, I'm outtt
Now playing: Grey Holiday - Let Go

5:15 pm
Ok, so English might not be as completely awful as I was thinking it might be. I didn't get the teacher I was expecting-but the teacher that switched seems to be very nice. When I go to school my name and I have a love hate relationship. Why you ask? Well on one hand it's nice to not have to constantly remind teachers what your name is. On the other hand I prefer to blend in and not stand out in anyway. *shrug* Oh well. He said the two things you need to do to be a better writer is 1. read 2. write. I've got number one I just need to work on number two. =P

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I couldn't come up with a clever title. oh well.

Ok so CM was amazingness. [as it normally is.] I mean how could it not be? Among other reasons, Jadon is amazing, and Cameron is awesome . And yes, you wish you had a class as cool as mine. =) Screaming emo music though *shakes head* =P
Lunch was alright--- I was kind of out of it. And wasn't really in any conversation but that's ok. I don't mind, I just think...
Lauren's house. Wow. Yeah I think we should avoid the woods from now on. =P Or lakes with mud that sucks you down. Wow. It was hilarious though. [to bad it wasn't quicksand. =P jk] Honestly though I never thought I'd see the day Lauren would walk through knee deep mud and water in January...Kate, yes. Lauren, no. Not that I turned out much better...but still. =P

Now playing:Relient K - Must Have Done Something Right

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ok ok, God is so amazing.
I woke up this morning and checked my blogs and this was the first thing that was staring at me in face. =)
Needed. yeah.
How incredible and kind is my God?
Ephesians 6:10-24

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

21 So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. 22 I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts.

23 Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

Anddd then I turned on the wayfm and this song was on.
Think about these words, I mean realllly think about them....

I am full of earth
You are heaven’s worth
I am stained with dirt, prone to depravity
You are everything that is bright and clean
The antonym of me
You are divinity
But a certain sign of grace is this
From a broken earth flowers come up
Pushing through the dirt

You are everything that is bright and clean
And You’re covering me with Your majesty
And the truest sign of grace was this
From wounded hands redemption fell down
Liberating man

But the harder I try the more clearly can I feel
The depth of our fall and the weight of it all
And so this might could be the most impossible thing
Your grandness in me making me clean

So here I am, all of me
Finally everything
Wholly, wholly, wholly
I am wholly, wholly, wholly
I am wholly, wholly, wholly Yours
Everything for a reason.
Do I really believe this?
Yes. With everything that I am--- I believe this.
I'd be a mess if I didn't =P

Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh life...

It's a matter of comfort. =)

To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort; but to be assured that all things which fall out shall co-operate for their good, that their crosses shall be turned into blessings, that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace and make it flourish more; this may fill their hearts with joy till they run over.
—Thomas Watson
Life is good.
God loves me
I love Him
God is good.
Love is amazing
Psalms is an amazing book
Then again the entire bible is
CM is Sunday
Passion is in April
NA is in May
There is a breeze blowing through my room =)
It's not ick out! =P
I love wind
I love sunshine
I love thunderstorms
Quotes are amazing
School isn't awful
And patience is a virtue.
Pffffft, there's no way I could be emo or depressed even if I wanted to be. =P
Wait take that back. I'm sure if I really wanted to I could find reasons to be. lol
Good thing I don't want to though. And besides if I was...that'd just be scary. =P

Thursday, January 10, 2008

So it begins....

So begins the lecture part of my Anatomy and Physiology class...

I actually am enjoying being back at school. But ask me that in a month and I'll probably say otherwise. But then 30 days will have I might just be ok with school then too.=P

Natasha, brought lunch today. She's awesome and really fun to talk to. Even if she thinks I should go to school for 6 years and be a pharmacist. =P

It's ick outside today. It saddens me. But I think I'll make it through. =P

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So I'm just sitting here--- after the headache of trying to find another A&P II class since they canceled the first one that I signed up for. So now I'm just waiting for my first lab of this semester to start. Whoo. Yeah, can't you hear the enthusiasm in my voice. =P

Haha, actually I'm looking forward to school now. I'm ready. Hopefully I can pass the classes.

It's going to be joyous dissecting fetal pigs all semester. Aren't you jealous? =P Oh, I figured you all would be. lol That sort of stuff use to bother me alot but it doesn't anymore really....well I don't know, maybe it will. But the eye and brain thing last semester didn't bother me at all.

Oh dear....hmmmm. ["oh dear" just because I was bored sitting in the library for over an hour with nothing to do or study or anything and so decided to say that. Sorry I'm weird like that. I'll try to be more specific from now on. Specific in a vague way mind you. =P]

Also driving on 85 with the windows down, music playing, sun edging the clouds with gold, and in 75 degree weather---is amazing. Made me smile [even if my hair was in knots by the time I got home =P].

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


It's nice out. I'm going to go on a [rambling][thoughtful][pensive][contemplative][pondering][reflective][musing][intent][ambling] walk later. Yes, it's going to be all of those words--- I assure you. I can fit all of that into one walk, yeah I know, I'm that special. =P

Monday, January 7, 2008

70's is amazing weather.

Today was amazingly gorgeous out. I mean beautiful.

The sun was shining, there was a lilting breeze that made it even more enticing to be outside. So once I did some stuff for my mom inside---I ditched the idea of cleaning my room and opted to just opened the windows in my room [because unlike Lauren, I love it when my room smells like "outside" or whatever =P]. And then I headed outside with a book [because I'm a book nerd]. And spent at least a couple of hours just wandering around outside and intermittently reading. But I kept getting distracted by the breeze, the sun filtering through the trees, and just the gorgeousness of the weather in general.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm completely ready for spring. Yes. I am. I'm sorry for all of you that love cold weather and winter. But I'm done with it. Sure I'd like some snow---but I realllly am ready for spring. Flowers and warmth and rain and yes. =P The daffodils are already coming up around the house. They're ready too. =P

Day's like today though make me just happy. lol I know it's silly but they do. =)

Tomorrow at 3. Field. I'm psyched. =P

Now playing: Future of Forestry - Speak to Me Gently

Sunday, January 6, 2008



[yup that pretty much sums it up.]
  1. I promise not to be emo or depressed though.
  2. God really is amazing.
  3. If I act depressed just like smack me or something. 'Cause I have absolutely no reason too. [well...nvm]
  4. God loves me. And that is enough. Promise.
[Note: my mom is amazing. as is my Lauren friend.]
"And yet, we are sick with sin. Jesus was being ironic (wasn't he?) when he said he'd come not for the healthy, but for the sick. He knows: We're all terminal. We're hopeless, addicted, hooked on ourselves." [the article is an amazingly good read. Or I thought so.]

I'm a incredibly, hopelessly, addicted to myself. I'm sick. Yet I try to hide it sometimes. I hate being a disappointment to people....but guys, this is me. I'm going to screw up---alot. I do wrong things and I do right things for wrong reasons. I'm so glad Jesus didn't come for people who have their lives "together". Or I'd be in trouble. =P

You know---I think if I have joy now at this moment there's something of worth it in. Versus if like everything were going according to how I would want it go. Does that make sense? I really really, really, really, really do trust my amazing Father who loves me. And that He works all things for my good. Even my screw ups. [I'm so immature, selfish, unthoughtful, and stupid guys]

I think that's the hardest thing for me to grasp. I mean it's easier for me to wrap my mind around the fact that God can use what other people intend for bad for His glory. But my sin? My screw ups? They seem so....prevalent and pervasive and....hopeless. But He does. And how amazing is that?

You know while there's something that I dread about people seeing me mess up. a way, I'm so glad when it happens. When the light is shined on my sin---it's awful. But it's freeing. Because you aren't worried about people finding out. They know. You aren't worried about having to maintain a "good image". They know better.

Now I'm not saying we don't strive with all that we have to obey God and not sin. I don't mean that at all. What I'm saying is that...well I'm not even sure what I'm saying. But it's easier for me to really grow---instead of just trying to look like I am. When people know me. I mean really know me...there's almost some...relief in it.

Oh, my head is such a ridiculous place. Thanks for putting up with me. =P

Haha, also I nearly died today [well not really but it sounds more dramatic =P]. I looked like such a loser. We were in the woods and I like jumped on this tree that someone had just earlier unbeknownst to me knocked over. Well since it had just been tipped over, it rolled easily... from underneath my feet---and I landed flat on my back. Oh, and then! I was crossing over the like dried up creek ditch thing on a tree and the bark just like fell off where I stepped and I sorta fell off of it. I must have looked like an idiot. lol wow. . And I really should go out in the woods more--- I use to know better than to step on rotten logs. =P But yes, today wasn't tooo bad, it could have gone alot worse. I'd rather expect the worse though and be surprised. And no, I'm not that pessimistic. lol

Saturday, January 5, 2008

news flash and something random

News flash for the day.
--I just realized I'm 17 1/2.
Whoo. Go me.

Oh, life...
Tomorrow is Sunday...
Yay. pretty much sums it up. [my "yay" is a little lack luster. sorry.]

[Also on a completely random note: You're almost positive it can't be good and you don't want to know about it--- yet just want to get it over with? You know it isn't good and because of that you just want to stay blissfully unaware.
But due to the fact that you already know something that probably isn't good is coming you think you might as well get it over with?
And this is probably completely confusing you all. But that's ok 'cause my head it like that. And let me stress again that this is on a completely random note. =P]

Friday, January 4, 2008


I wish, brothers and sisters, that we could all imitate "the pearl oyster"—A hurtful particle intrudes itself into its shell, and this vexes and grieves it. It cannot reject the evil, but what does it do but "cover" it with a precious substance extracted out of its own life, by which it turns the intruder into a pearl! Oh, that we could do so with the provocations we receive from our fellow Christians, so that pearls of patience, gentleness, and forgiveness might be bred within us by that which otherwise would have harmed us.

—Charles Spurgeon

Hmmmm, I wish that was me...

Note: Also people are not grains of sand >.< I wasn't implying that at all. Sorry....


"God, is more interested in building faith--- than He is in keeping and protecting us in a bubble."

Isn't that the truth. =P

Me in my humanness would like the bubble sometimes though. =P

Where reason cannot wade there faith may swim.
—Thomas Watson

Now playing: Brian Colmery - John 13:36-14:14 - The Way to God

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Not worrying is easier said than done, did ya know that?
But maybe just maybe I can do it. Since I mean God's my Father and he knows what he's doing. He loves me and does really, really know what's best.
ugh, there is no "still" is there?
*smacks head*
My body breaks beneath the weight
Of toil and trouble, fears and fights
Sickness in me, world against me
I cry to You tonight

Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy

Faithful Brother

Closest Friend

Pass me not

Forsake me not, Lord

Amen, Amen

My heart is dim, It’s always been
I turn from what is right
Passions of youth tear me from truth
I cry to You tonight

Now playing: Shaun Groves - Damage Done
I like these songs. Shaun Groves is cool.
Now playing: Shaun Groves - One of Those Days
Also isn't it funny how some songs are tied to memories? Good or bad.
Maybe not even a specific memory but maybe just like...a time in your life or something...
It could be just me. It's funny though.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 2. of 2008

So I registered today---I got Anatomy and Physiology II and English 111 that I can hopefully switch with another English class .
I'm pretty psyched about it. Well not really. But hey, it's gotta be done.... I guess. =P
Lauren Thomas and Sarah Edwards were there. =) Their sweet girls.
Michigan won yesterday. It almost made my day---but not quite other things are better. =P But it was awesome.

So begins another semester...

lol ˙unɟ sı sıɥʇ ʇnq ˙ʎɐs oʇ ǝslǝ ƃuıɥʇǝɯos ɟo ʞuıɥʇ ʇ,uɐɔ ı puıɯɹǝʌǝu˙˙˙˙oslɐ
˙sʞuɐɥʇ ˙ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ʎɯ uo ɟɟnʇs pıdnʇs ƃuıop doʇs oʇ pǝǝu noʎ 'uıʇsnɾ puɐ
ƃuızɐɯɐ ǝɹɐ spuǝıɹɟ ʇsǝq ʎɯ ɥɐǝʎ os
˙ʇı ʇsod oʇ looɔ ǝq plnoʍ ʇı ʇɐɥʇ pǝpıɔǝp puɐ pǝɥƃnɐl puɐ ʎuunɟ sɐʍ sıɥʇ ʇɥƃnoɥʇ ı ʞɹop ɐ ɥɔns ɯ,ı

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I will
love more
trust more
have more faith
have more joy
only with God's help
this year.

Happy New Year Everyone.

I wouldn't have wanted to start the new year any differently. =)