Tuesday, May 29, 2007


It's gotta be more than just belting out words, trying to carry a melody, and raising your hands.
More than just the 45 minutes at church before the sermon.
It has to be.
I mean to worship God forever in heaven. Does that mean for a billion trillion years we will be singing songs, raising our hands, and jumping?
I don't think so. I mean I'm sure we could do it and it wouldn't get old, we have that amazing of a God, but somehow I don't think God is uncreative...
Just as I think worship is on earth isn't just about singing or a band playing, it's about our lives. And I think I've missed that way to many times...
Sometimes I think we focus way to much how we look when we worship. Fact is the entire church can be singing loudly, the band and choir sound amazing, everyone one can either be raising their hands, on their knees, or dancing. And God can look at us in disgust...He's more concerned about our hearts...if our hearts aren't in it, then we'd probably be better off to not to even sing...Now don't get me wrong if your heart is right then all that stuff should kinda just flow from you...
Ahhh I'm getting sick of thinking about it. It's complicated, why do us humans have to do that?lol...
But to end with heaven...
I think just like it is on earth, in heaven just living will worship God...
My favorite is imagining God creating worlds upon worlds for us to explore...blowing us away every time...
Jungles, forests, beaches, mountains....if the stuff in this world is just a glimmer of heaven and is to point us to it...then wow. We are going to have an admirable time.
'Causeeeeeee HE loves us...=D

1 comment:

Lauren said...

you've inspired me...i am going to go think about this.