Monday, October 8, 2012

This weekend was rough.

I get so frustrated with my so many shortcomings.

How easily I am distracted from the important things.
How easily I cast judgments and label people.
How easily I forget that God is trustworthy and good.

I cried in anger and frustration.

I get so tired of fighting. So tired of finding out how incredibly incompetent I am.
I was so tired of being messed up.
I was so tired of how hard loving people actually is.

I lost sight of who I am.

I went and soaked myself in music that reminded me of who I really am.

I am chosen.
I am a child of God.
I am loved.
More than I can ever imagine.

Jason Gray and Andrew Peterson and Downhere reminded me.

And I spun around because I am loved even if I am not perfect.
I am loved even though I mess up.
Jesus loves me even when I don't love very well.

I can rest in that and just enjoy the dance.

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