Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I love God's timing.
Really I do.
It's what I needed to hear.

Another note----

A Dose of Conviction

Brian Colmery

Quick note as I take a break from studying through tomorrow's sermon: John (throughough 1 John) equates not loving with hatred, which is then equated to murder as per the Sermon on the Mount. Not trying to be a huge downer here, but, if you're stopping by and reading right now, I encourage you to take five minutes and think through who in your life you're not loving right now. Then realize that God sees the absence of active and abiding love as equal to hatred, which is equal to murder.

Crazy thought, that by tolerating someone instead of actively loving them you're really murdering them in your mind and heart.

How much of our life is so loving it can only be explained by a supernatural act of God? The Bible seems to say that all of our life ought to be that way, and imagine what the world (not to mention the people in our sphere of influence) would think if we all resolved to let the Spirit make us into that kind of Christian?

Which is to say, of course, the real kind...
Now playing: Bill Lucas - Everything Counts

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