Monday, February 18, 2008


I sound like a frog. I feel fine [accept my throat hurts a little] but I sound like a frog nonetheless.
How amazing is a laugh? No, think about how amazingly kind it was of God to give us a sense of humor and the ability to laugh. He didn't just create the sound of laugher, he created the entirety of it.

From nothing God created us. I'm not just talking physically either. He created the things about you that make you, well, you. I know, I know-- that sounds really cliche but I mean if you really think about it, it's an awesome thought. The way you feel when you get a good test grade back, the joy you feel when you have helped someone, the righteous anger you feel when you see a child starving, the peace you feel about a situation, the love you feel, and it goes on and on. All of that was created by God. 0.o I can't get my head around it.

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