Saturday, February 2, 2008

Random and I'm still psyched. lol

I'd like to apologize for the uninterestingness [yes, I know that's not a word] of my blog as of late. Or the lack of my own thoughts here. Mind you, it's not that I haven't been thinking--it's just stuff that's in my head right now would probably scare you all. So, I've been sticking with rambling my thoughts to my close friends---that have seen how weird I can be but still are friends with me. lol

My hair is shorter now. Not drastically shorter though cause that's just not how I roll. :P

God's goooood. Mhm. Yup, that's right.
Heck. Yes. :)
Ahhhhh. lol I'm so excited.!
[If you couldn't tell. =P]

I can't get over how much He loves me. How could He love me?
I've done nothing to deserve.
Yet He drew me to Himself.
Crazy about Him? Yes, I am.
How could I not be about my Creator?

1 comment:

Nathan said...

actually, to point out something i'm sure no one cares about, uninterestingness IS a word!! as defines it -

Noun 1. uninterestingness - inability to capture or hold one's interest

so there ya go :-D haha