Thursday, February 21, 2008

musings and rain...

Finally! The week hasn't ended yet, but nonetheless I feel relieved. I've known for a while that this week was going to be long because I had a writing assignment due on Monday, a presentation to do on Tuesday plus a quiz thing, a practical in lab on Wednesday, and a test in lecture today.

Then it got worse.

Monday morning I woke up with my sinuses all stopped up--and a throat so tight and sore it was hard to talk. I just laid in bed and prayed for like 20 mins, pretty much just telling God that there was no way that I could do anything apart from Him [much less this next week]. Also thanking Him for making me sick because it reminded me of how dependent I am on Him, and it also reminded me of how much I'm not in control of my own life. =P It was a good reminder.

Monday went alright, Tuesday came and I still felt awful and sounded terrible too. =P We didn't end up having to do the presentation because of technical difficulties, and my team won the game quiz thing, yay!

Wednesday came and I don't think I failed the practical--and the practical I did last week that I thought I did horrible on---I didn't do horrible on it. =) That made me happy. I didn't get a ton of studying done Wednesday afternoon done but it was ok. =P But I guess we'll just have to see how I did on the test today...

Hmmm yes. Recap of my week. I really don't have anything profound or thrilling to say...

Cept... My God is so amazing. It's incredible how much He's given me and even more incredible is how much I take it all for granted....

Even something like rain...I'm going to try to never complain about rain again...

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