Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh yes.

I finally remembered to listen to Brant Hanson today! So that's what I'm doing this morning.

He is the one reason I wish I lived in South Florida. California still wins hands down though. =Plol

For those of you who don't know--Brant has a morning radio talk show host.

He's amazing. He think outside the box, writes bluntly, is an idealist, and makes people kind of upset sometimes. I love him because he makes you think about everything. And in a good way.

Not only that but the radio station is a really good CHRISTIAN radio station. Not that I have anything against our Christian Radio stations here. =P Ok...maybe I do. lol You guys just can't understand the awesomeness unless you listen to it. So I doubt anyone will actually listen to it...

But! justin case =P.
WEEKDAYS 6:00AM - 10:00AM
Describe “Mornings with Brant”: Very quirky, very fun, and very honest
Originally from: Assumption, Illinois. Population 1,000, “counting dogs.”

There you go--now you have no excuse. =P

So yes.
I think I was going to say something else...but now I don't remember...

Which might be better anyways. =P I'm really noticing that when I post late at night when sleep will refuse to come to me, that I write with really is kind of...well yes. =P Oh well.


Have a wonderful day peoples. =)

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