Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My name is Ming,
I'm a little off kilter, a little strange, and a lot nerdy. I am not a fan of huge groups of people - I'd rather be home reading, but I cherish my close friends-introvert though I am. I read books as if they are essential for life and I have made friends with all the flavors of the wind. I am an idealist, I long for things to be redeemed and made right. I'm not very good at small talk and I am a fan of watermelon and laughter. I'm an over thinker and I have been told I apologize far more than I should. I am easy going but I can be stubborn from time to time. I was worse off than I could ever begun to imagine and I am more deeply loved than I ever dared to hope.
And more than anything I don't want to waste my life and I want to make a difference.

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